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Summer Solstice Workshop

Tue, 17 Dec


Mana Retreat Centre

The solstice reminds us of the ebb and flow of life; the end of the year, the beginning of the new; an energetic peak accompanied by the weariness of long days - through dance and ritual we will honor all that are receiving in this life and give thanks.

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Summer Solstice Workshop
Summer Solstice Workshop

Time & Location

17 Dec 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Mana Retreat Centre, Manaia 3581, New Zealand

About the Workshop

The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer, occurs on the longest day of the year. It celebrates the suns fullness, the season of abundance and the turning point as the energy transition towards longer nights - like the pause between the inhalation and exhalation of your breath.

Everyone can have their own reasons for celebrating the Solstices and Equinoxes, and these celebrations give everyone an opportunity to experience a greater connection to life - to learn from their own journey of consciousness and from the collective.

This 4 hour workshop includes a festive shared lunch, please bring an offering for the table.

Music begins at 9:45am for a 10am start - cost $40

No particular dance skill or knowledge of steps is needed. Just bring willingness and curiosity, allowing the movement to nourish and bring you more fully to your senses.

The principals of change and interconnectedness are the foundations of this Seasonal Workshop series. True freedom can be experienced when we acknowledge our connections with all life and align ourselves with the dynamic movement of the universe.

What will enable us to embrace change? How do we establish our connections to the whole circle of life?

Through the art of ritual and Open Floor Conscious Movement Practice we will  find the inner strength and power to integrate the many life changes of womanhood. Working with the breath, with dance, with visualisation and guided introspection will help us to clear away limitations - pain, anger, and fear that inhibit our self actualisation.

This series of workshops have been designed to take us beyond logical thought and into direct experience - to develop an awareness of the energy of the present moment. They are aligned with the basic truth of life - everything in this universe exists within a relationship that is continually moving and changing.

“The universe is a dance of energy, a universe, a single song of ever changing rhythms and harmonies.” 

~ Starhawk, The Spiral Dance

When you open to the inner dance it will transform your life. This workshop will encourage that opening. You will learn to strengthen and trust the intuition as you still the mind and listen to all that is moving within. You will discover your true self, your true nature. And when you uncover this true self, you will find that it exists in everyone.

This workshop is an invitation for you to be empowered by the changing seasons of our life, by the ever changing dance of the universe, and by your own inner dance.

We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Jade & Lisa

Learn More about Open Floor Conscious Movement Meditation >


  • Summer Solstice

    Includes 4 hour workshop and ritual tools. Please bring a plate of food and writing journal.

    Sale ended



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